European Pilot Selection & Training (EPST) is thé trainer of airline pilots in the Netherlands. EPST provides a complete ab-initio pilot training program. After successful completion of the program, EPST will provide support to successful graduates until a first pilot job has been obtained with one of the major airlines. EPST is an EASA approved ATO (NL-ATO-37) and EASA-STD operator.
The EPST training program consists of a Basic Training followed by a comprehensive Advanced Training program.
The EPST basic training program is an EASA integrated course at OSM in Norway.
EPST presentation evenings
EPST organizes special presentation meetings for future students and their parents, at least once a month on a Monday evening. Our Managing Director, mister Eric Duijkers, will tell you all about the selection process, the selection criteria, the differences between all the EPST training programs and of course about your future job opportunities. Just click on the registration button, fill in your personal details and we will send you a confirmation e-mail a.s.a.p. Looking forward to meeting you at one of the presentation evenings.
OSM Aviation Academy in Norway/Sweden

European Pilot Selection & Training (EPST) provides a complete ab-initio pilot training program. After successful completion of the program, EPST will provide support to successful graduates until a first pilot job has been obtained with one of the major airlines. EPST is an EASA approved ATO (NL-ATO-37) and EASA-STD operator. The EPST program is specifically designed for all European candidates, including the Central European candidates.
The EPST training program offers ab-initio (student) pilots an integrated training course including comprehensive airline style jet training to fully prepare them for their first airline interview and job. The EPST quality is recognized by the aviation industry and as a result many of our students, who successfully completed our training program, are now flying with a major airline. EPST is focused on quality selection and airline standard training in order to provide true airline proficiency.
The Basic Training program is an EASA Integrated course at OSM Aviation Academy in Arendal, Norway or Västerås, Sweden.
The EPST Selection Process
- Excellent motivation and enthusiasm;
- Academic level to be able to complete the intense training program;
- Capacity;
- Spacial orientation;
- Leadership;
- Team skills;
- Excellent communication skills;
- Stress resistance;
- Excellent hand-eye coordination;
- Attention for details;
- Technical insight;
- Self-confidence;
- Resilience.
Characteristics of a good pilot
Being a pilot is a demanding and responsible profession. We provide our candidates with the best possible advice to successfully complete the EPST training program. That’s why we organize an extensive and elloborate selection process.
It’s important to give future candidates a precise picture of being a modern pilot. A modern pilot will have to possess more then only good flying skills, he must be an excellent manager with very good team and communication skills.
Every pilot is potentially a future captain and will therefore have to be able to motivate and lead a team. In addition, we expect the following characteristics and qualifications from our candidates:
- Candidates need to have a so-called HAVO-diploma (secondary education) with mathematics and English. Preferably they also have had physics. MBO students are not allowed to participate in the EPST selection.
- Candidates need to be minimum 18 years old, there is no age limit.
- Candidates are allowed to wear glasses or lenses. For further information please contact the Aeromedical Expert Centre in Bosschenhoofd. Candidates can’t be color blind.
- Body measurements: OSM Aviation Academy: length between 1.57 and 1.85 m; a Body-Mass-Index (BMI) which is not Overweight or Underweight according to the UK NHS BMI (18-24). If the candidates do not match these criteria, please contact airport Lelystad to see if the candidate will fit into an airplane used for training in Greece/Norway/Switzerland.
COMPASS™ consists of six tests which have been developed to test some of the key aptitude areas for the pilot profession. Flying experience is not required to perform well in the tests.
COMPASS™ is a product of European Pilot Selection & Training (EPST). It is EPST’s experience (together with its world-wide clients with over 17.000 tests performed with this product) that a combination of COMPASS™ and a simulator assessment prior to training virtually reduces flying training failures to near zero. We at EPST had no flying training failure since the introduction of these elements in our selection.
Candidates who are interested in becoming a pilot can contact EPST to make an appointment (030-2383232) to do the COMPASS™ test. It will take approximately 2 hours.
To be able to do the test, the candidates need to:
– be minimum 16 years old;
– bring a passport or id card;
– pay € 50,- for the COMPASS™ test.
The test includes:
A compensation task looking at basic hand/foot/eye co-ordination.
A tracking task looking at hand/eye co-ordination.
A test of basic applied mathematical understanding and speed.
Accuracy of short-term memory recall and ability to ‘chunk’ information.
A test of the candidate’s ability to scan the screen and manage two concurrent tasks accurately and quickly.
Instrument interpretation, comprehension and spatial orientation.
COMPASS™ Copyright is owned by European Pilot Selection & Training (EPST) and is part of the EPST Selection Process.
In order to participate in the EPST training program a comprehensive selection procedure has to be successfully completed. We are of the opinion that this element of our program is of vital importance as the basis to provide you with the confidence for your career as a pilot and the investment you have to make in order to accomplish this.
Phase 1:
This phase consist of our COMPASS™ (aptitude) test, a personality assessment test, Aviation English test and a technical comprehension test. This selection phase is individual and can be made after telephone appointment. In order to do this test, please call the EPST Office to make an appointment (+31-30-2383232). All candidates have to show a photo ID prior to this test. The duration of the test is about three (3) hours. The results will be available at the end of the test and will be discussed with the candidate. We expect candidates to be able to do the phase 1 selection in the afternoon of the arrival date and do phase 2 the next day (phase 3 is the third day). You will only be invited for phase 2 if the results of phase 1 are sufficient to EPST.
Costs: € 300,-*
The Phase 1 selection is valid for only one (1) year.
After you completed phase 3 an evaluation is made by the selection team on all aspects of your selection and a final decision is made by EPST.
Phase 2:
This selection phase is a full day and you will be one of several candidates invited for that day. In this phase of the EPST selection process, you will be invited to participate in a simulator evaluation assessment. After a short briefing, you will be asked to perform some basic exercises on the simulator during which the instructors would like to see such characteristics as your ability to handle an aircraft (coordination), your capacity, your learning curve, stress, accuracy in following instructions and many more aspects. No previous flying experience of any kind is required to pass this phase successfully. In addition there will be a number of group exercises and some additional academic tests.
Costs: included
Phase 3:
The objective of this day is to give you an opportunity to present yourself to the selection team. During a short interview the selection team will take a look at your suitability as an EPST student. In the case you fail this selection day, you will be provided feedback so that you (at least) have some benefits of the experience.
Costs: included
The Phase 3 selection is valid for only one (1) year and can only be done two times. Prior to the second time, the phase 1 and 2 selection have to be done again.
In the case no medical selection has been done, candidates will have to do a Class One medical with one of the EASA approved medical centers. Normally this is done in the country you live. EPST can be of assistance to organize this selection. Without this medical certificate a candidate cannot start the flying training program and in the case one fails this selection all other selection phases of EPST become invalid. The result of the medical selection will be mailed to the candidate directly. Costs will be at the students own expense. EPST will run the selection on consecutive days for candidates outside the Netherlands in order to save travel cost etc. Please contact the EPST Office for specific EPST selection days. In case any of the selection phases is unsuccessful, that selection phase can be done again. Only one retake is allowed.
* The above selection fee is inclusive of VAT
In addition to hard work, becoming a pilot also requires a financial investment. This investment must be responsible and feasible for all candidates who pass our selection. EPST believes that everyone should be able to realize his or her dream. At our presentation evenings we will tell you all about the options. Flight Finance, a company which EPST collaborates with, will contact the students as soon as he/she has successfully completed the EPST selection. A substantial amount of the training costs will always have to be financed by the candidate himself/herself. Flight Finance will discuss the various personal options of financing the training program, as well as giving tax advice and information regarding necessary pilot insurances. The costs of this advice will be € 795,- and are at the expense of the candidate.
The OSM Aviation Academy training and selection costs consist of:
€ 250,- selection costs. A medical will cost ± € 425,- excl. VAT, if done at AEC in Bosschenhoofd.
The OSM Aviation Academy training program costs € 119.000,- incl. € 3.500,– for the EPST Guarantee. This means that EPST B.V. will act as guarantor in the case of a training failure for its EPST pilot training program students.
As such, EPST B.V. will repay the training fees paid to EPST to the EPST student. The repayment of the paid training fees will take place in the case the student will be removed from training due to lack of ability to obtain or maintain the EPST training standards. This repayment commitment is not applicable if the failure is clearly due to the actions or omissions that are the student’s own responsibility. The guarantee is applicable once the payment to obtain this guarantee (€ 3.500,-) has been received by EPST.
Included or not in the program:
Items | Comments |
Uniform (pants, shirts and tie) | Yes |
Navigation equipment | Yes |
ATPL(A) Ground Exam. Fees | 1st attempt only |
EASA License issue fee for one year | Yes |
EASA Medical renewal | Not included |
EASA Class Medical 1 before start | Not included |
Student Permit NOR CAA 2 years | Yes |
Extra skill test and re-examination | No |
Food and other personnel costs | No |
Accommodation during the time in Norway | Yes |
Personal insurance otherwise | No |
Training syllabus EPST/OSMAA Airline Training Program (Basic and Advanced training):
Program | Training Hours | Weeks |
ATPL(A) Theoretical Knowledge Training (CBT and Classroom): Instructor led sessions CBT Studies Self-Studies | 1193 Hours 402 Hours 361 Hours 430 Hours | 39 |
Single Engine Piston Aircraft Flight Training & Testing | 141,5 Hours | 37 |
Multi Engine Piston Aircraft Flight Training & Testing CPL Skills Test | 16,5 Hours | |
IR Training B737NG | 35 Hours | |
Boeing 737-800 Jet Orientation Course (JOC) incl. MCC at EPST | 48 Hours | 6 |
NOTE: The above is for information only and is subject to change. As such no rights can be derived from this data.
This Airline Jet Foundation Course (AJFC) course is the EPST “Bridge Course” or Jet Orientation Course (JOC) including a MCC certificate, which is proving so successful for our students and the key to success in the airline grading and Type Rating. The AJFC has now been adjusted to meet current airline demands and the preparation required to be able to complete a Jet Type Rating with good results. EPST students who have completed this course have all successfully completed their Type Rating and are now flying with a UK or other international airline.
It is the quality of our selection as well as this AJFC which makes the difference between EPST and other students. We train to airline ready First Officer standard.
The objective of the AJFC is to prepare low hour commercial pilot licence holders, who have not flown jet aircraft, for their initial airline type conversion course.
After course completion EPST students have succesfully completed their typerating and our now flying for major European airlines.
Be familiar with the commercial and customer aspects of an airline.
Be able to fly a modern jet within specified capabilities during normal operations and flights in a controlled airspace. All this according to the Instrument Rating standard.
Trained to perform non-normal procedures and emergency actions such as engine failures.
Ready to demonstrate the overall capability of both pilot flying (PF) and pilot not flying (PNF) functions.
Able to demonstrate competencies in airline operations and procedures, management and typical airline documentation.
Able to demonstrate CRM as set by airline standard.
Able to complete a Type Rating with very good results.
In possession of a MCC certificate required by EASA.
Choosing EPST as your training provider will give you benefits after completion of your training program: students will get free training on a B737 or A320 simulator. The simulators are available for EPST students and EPT will offer free training and interview preparation after completion of your training program.
EPST has always been able to place their students with an international airline even when economical decline took place. EPST students in general will get their First/Second Officer’s job within 6 months.
The EPST’s benefits, after completion of the training program, are:
Free training on a B737 or A320 simulator; the simulators are available at EPST after completion of your training program.
Free interview and sim grading preparation with an instructor.
Free ME/IR renewal on the EPST simulator (once).
Type Rating B737-800 of A320
EPST provides an EASA A320 and B737-800 NG Type Rating. The unique offer is € 14.7500,-, excluding Base Training (this will be done through JetTime in Denmark). We start a Type Rating every month.
The aim of the T/R is to enable trainees to become proficient, by gaining knowledge and skills, in order to operate a type specific aircraft (A320 or 737NG) safely and efficiently. The training integrates multi crew co-ordination (MCC) skills applicable to working in the multi-crew environment; which typically addresses:
- Decision-making/taking;
- Communication;
- Division of tasks;
- Use of checklists;
- Application of SOPs;
- Mutual supervision;
- Teamwork;
- Support through all phases of flight under normal, abnormal and emergency conditions.
By the end of the course, trainees should be able to:
- Enable the aircraft commander to fulfil his overall management and decisionmaking/taking functions, whether as pilot flying (PF) or as pilot monitoring (PM).
- Enable the tasks of the PF and the PM to be specified and distributed in such a manner that the PF can direct his primary attention to the short-term operational management, handling and control of the aircraft.
- Effect co-operation between crewmembers in an orderly manner appropriate to the normal, abnormal or emergency situations encountered.
- Ensure mutual supervision, information and support between crewmembers at all times.
Trainees shall comply with the following requirements before entry to an approved T/R course:
- Trainees have/are:
- A valid EASA PPL/IR or CPL/IR licence; and
- At least 70 hours as pilot-in-command of aeroplanes; and
- A valid ME IR(A); and
- Shall either:
- Hold a Certificate of Completion of multi crew co-ordination (MCC); or
- Undergoes an integrated MCC T/R course; or
- Meet equivalent MCC experience as listed in PART-FCL 1.250(b); and
- Completed the ATPL (A) theoretical knowledge examinations; and
- Hold a current medical certificate; and
- Capable of receiving instruction in the English language
- Have a minimum level of LPE 4 scored in an approved English Aviation Test and
- If not contracted with EPST before, shall have passed the EPST grading; and
- Trainees will submit actual logbooks along with any original supporting documents or
- Trainees are currently undergoing training on an MPL(A) integrated training course.
If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us at +31-302383232.