Head of Training retires from civil aviation at Transavia

John met pensioen bij Transavia liggend

John van Limburg Stirum, our Head of Training, flew his very last scheduled flight for Transavia in August. He will now enjoy his retirement, as of September.

It may have been a flight like any other, but from a decorated cockpit John admitted that he had experienced a day with turbulence – in an emotional sense, this time.

Once John had put the plane on the ground for the last time, a festive afternoon awaited him.

How does John look back on this day? ‘It was a day with a laugh and a tear’, says John. ‘My social media was flooded with all kinds of nice messages, and when I got back, even the CEO of Transavia addressed me with kind words.’

John’s family was also called in to make this day even more special. ‘In collaboration with the crew, they conjured up all kinds of nice surprises. It was an unforgettable day.’

Watch the video of his farewell flight https://youtu.be/_svia6kk0h8?si=nIlm7fLYkM6BLHXW

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