Life in Greece through the eyes of Okke Sloots

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What is it like to learn to fly in Greece? Global Aviation in Megara, Greece, is one of our three training locations. EPST graduate Okke Sloots took his first steps as a pilot here, and followed the entire program. He reflects on his time on the Greek coast with great pleasure. Curious about his story? Then read further!

Okke’s experience in one word? “Fantastic!”

He enthusiastically tells that he undoubtedly had the time of his life in Greece. Besides the fact that there was a lot of studying to be done, there was also plenty of time for relaxation and entertainment. That balance between studying hard and relaxing remains with him: “We went out for dinner every week with the EPST group to share all the stories and experiences with each other. And with the beach around the corner, an afternoon by the sea was always a nice reward after a hard morning of studying. The beach was also a good place to catch up or watch football together.”

Plenty to discover

Besides the beach, there is plenty to do in the Megara area, according to Okke. “Athens is only half an hour’s drive away, so we visited the capital regularly during the day or in the evening. We also rented cars to explore the beautiful Greek countryside. And in summer, we also rented boats with an EPST group for a wonderful day of swimming and sailing.” Whatever the plans are, you don’t have to worry about the price, he says. “It costs almost nothing there, which is a bonus.”

Learning to fly in Greece

No matter how well the free time can be spent, Okke ultimately went to Greece to learn to fly. How was that?

“Flying over the Greek islands, the waters, and the beautiful landscape, was something that I could never get bored of,” says Okke. He thinks learning to fly is a beautiful process in which you go step by step: “At first you mainly focus on feeling the plane and flying by sight, but later you learn to fly using instruments. I liked the latter the most, because on those flights we followed the real departure and approach procedures from the airports. We used the same radio frequency as the major airlines, which was remarkable, since we flew in such a small Piper.”

Global Aviation also offers EPST students a short MCC (Multi Crew Cooperation) course in an Airbus A320 simulator. Okke is thankful fort his experience: “Although we had only 5 simulator sessions, I learned a lot. Together with another EPST member, you sat in a 1 on 1 replica of a ‘real’ cockpit and we used the actual procedures of Aegean Airlines. It was one of the coolest experiences of the course!”

Close friendships

Okke had an unforgettable time in Greece. “Something very valuable that I gained from this adventure, are all the friendships I made there. For a year and a half, you and your classmates live the same life and you share that one goal: becoming a pilot. That forges a close bond, and how great would it be if we all became colleagues later?”

We are grateful to Okke for his beautiful story. Want to know more about our program in Greece? Then look here!

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