Month: January 2024

Wing Award Ceremony 2024

Photo by Arjan Broek  Friday, January 26th marked an important moment for 49 graduatedEPST students: they received their Wing during the traditional Wing ceremony.The festive conclusion to their intensive training took place in the CarltonPresident Hotel in Utrecht. After the students and friends and family had trickled intothe ceremony hall, EPST director Eric Duijkers took the floor. In his shortwelcoming speech, he took the visitors on the journey that the EPST pilots tookduring their studies: a journey with ups and downs, takeoffs and landings, milestonesand obstacles. Then, one by one, the students were called to the stage fora new milestone. […]

What skills do you need if you want to become a pilot? EPST

What skills do you need if you want to become a pilot? EPST Wat verdient een piloot? - EPST

Have you been thinking of becoming a pilot, or has it been a dream to be in the cockpit since you were little? In any case: wanting to become a pilot is one thing, but actually being able to be a pilot is another. You will of course find out during the selection procedure, but before then, it is useful to find out what you should actually excel in as a pilot. What are the competencies for an airline pilot? In this article, we look at the most important skills for a pilot. Will you recognize yourself in the following […]