What skills do you need if you want to become a pilot? EPST

Wat verdient een piloot? - EPST

Have you been thinking of becoming a pilot, or has it been a dream to be in the cockpit since you were little? In any case: wanting to become a pilot is one thing, but actually being able to be a pilot is another.

You will of course find out during the selection procedure, but before then, it is useful to find out what you should actually excel in as a pilot. What are the competencies for an airline pilot? In this article, we look at the most important skills for a pilot.

Will you recognize yourself in the following descriptions? Then maybe you are made to be a pilot!

Skill 1: problem solving skills

If anything characterizes a pilot, it is the ability to solve problems ‘on the spot’. Maybe you can already picture it: the weather is terrible and to make matters worse, the control of your flaps fails. What do you do?

As a pilot you must be able to switch quickly. Don’t panic and immediately think of ways to get the situation under control as good as possible, that’s what it’s all about. As a pilot you must be able to perform under pressure, because you are responsible for everything and everyone on the plane.

Skill 2: communication

Communication is crucial in aviation. There is almost always someone sitting next to you in the cockpit, and together you have to make the flight as smooth as possible. Are there any problems? Then you solve them together: being able to communicate clearly and concisely becomes extremely important, especially in unforeseen situations.

Communication is therefore of vital importance. But not only in the collaboration with your colleague in the cockpit: you also make important arrangements with air traffic control when you are in the air or still on the ground. You must be able to clearly explain your position and situation to the people manning the tower.

Skill 3: decision-making skills

There are few professions where decision-making skills are as important as that of a pilot. Unexpected situations can arise at any time and it is your job as a pilot to deal with them in the best way possible.

Making quick, clear and sensible decisions is essential. In the air you do not often have the time to draw up an extensive plan: you make a decision based on your insight and your knowledge of, among other things, the rules, the airspace and the weather conditions.

When it comes to making decisions, it is good if you have a confident personality, to be able to stand by your decisions.

Do you have what it takes to become a pilot?

As you can see, a pilot needs 3 essential skills to function well as an airline pilot. Flying is a profession that comes with great responsibility: the pilot ensures the safety of the aircraft, the passengers and the airspace at all times. As a pilot you sometimes face high amounts of pressure; here you have to be able to make decisions and communicate them well.

Do you think that you fit this description? Then it’s time to sign up for the selection!

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