5 essential tips for choosing the best study programme | EPST


The last year of secondary school marks an important period in your life. Not only do you have to try to obtain your degree, you also have to make a well-considered study choice. An exciting time, because your eventual choice may determine your future. Therefore, make sure that you make a choice that you can fully endorse. In this article we want to help you make your choice with the best possible preparation. How do you make a well-considered study choice?

Engage in self-reflection

With self-reflection, you try to investigate who you are, what you want and, above all, why you want it. You’re merely engaging in a conversation with yourself. Ask yourself questions:

  • What are my strengths and weaknesses?
  • What motivates me and why?
  • What do I enjoy doing, what really makes me happy?
  • How do I see myself in the future, what’s important to me?

Answers to these questions will probably guide you in the direction in which you want to develop yourself. Are you stress-resistant, have strong communication skills and can you easily take charge? Then our pilot training might be something for you!

Investigate the options

Gather as much relevant information as possible about the studies you are considering. What does the study look like? Do you agree with the content of the syllabus and do the working methods appeal to you?

Equally important: what can you do with a diploma for the studies you have in mind? Do you envision yourself having a career in such a field? Also approach people who work in those different fields. Ask them about their experiences.

Do you want to become a pilot? Then be sure to read our blog with Diede van Dijk to find out more about the life of a pilot. And what options do you have if you want to take flight training? Then read our blog about the different flight training courses.

Look at the financial aspects

Unfortunately, studying is not free. That is why it is important to consider how you will finance your studies. Research the costs of your studies and associated costs. Also include the potential income from your future career.

Pilot training is a significant investment. Investigate your possibilities for financing these costs, there are options available.

Talk to experts

Approach study advisors and career counselors. With their expertise and experience, they can give you specific advice. It gives you extra insights, which helps you make a well-founded study choice.

Trust your intuition

You don’t just make a study choice with your head. Your feeling is just as important; what does your heart tell you? Try to make the choice that puts both your head and your heart at ease. Have you always felt the deep desire to become a pilot? Then go for it! Nothing motivates you better during your studies, than knowing that you are making your dream come true.

Making a study choice is challenging and may determine your future, but with proper research into yourself and your options, you will ultimately make a well-considered decision. Choose the study that really suits you, and that increases your chances of a bright future. Choose with your head and your heart, then you’re sure that you’re making the choice that seems best. Good luck!

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